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Customizing keys using hotkeys.ini


Depending on your remote, some of the default buttons will not perform the actions by default - you'll likely need to map the keys your remote sends to the desired Netflix commands, by customizing the included hotkeys.ini file.

You can enter any of the standard keys into the hotkeys.ini file beside the desired action... e.g. Select=f will select an item in Netflix when the f key is pressed; or any of the following keys, such as Select=NumpadEnter to select an item in Netflix when the NumpadEnter key is pressed.

To find out which key your remote is sending, install ShowKey.exe, or KeyPose (they seem to use different methods for key detection), then add one of following keystrokes supported by NetflixRemoteController to hotkeys.ini...

Other keys you can enter into Hotkeys.ini

  • General keys

    CapsLock Space Tab Enter Escape Backspace

  • Function keys

    F1 to F24 for the 12 or more function keys at the top of most keyboards

  • Cursor Control

    ScrollLock Delete Insert Home End PgUp PgDn Up Down Left Right

Numpad keys

  • Numpad (with Numlock off)

    NumpadIns NumpadEnd NumpadDown NumpadPgDn NumpadLeft NumpadClear NumpadRight NumpadHome NumpadUp NumpadPgUp NumpadDel

  • Numpad (with Numlock on)

    Numpad0 Numpad1 Numpad2 Numpad3 Numpad4 Numpad5 Numpad6 Numpad7 Numpad8 Numpad9 NumpadDot

  • Numpad (not affected by Numlock)

    NumLock NumpadDiv NumpadMult NumpadAdd NumpadSub NumpadEnter Numpad6 Numpad7 Numpad8 Numpad9 NumpadDot


  • Ctrl Control key only. To use with another key as part of a combo, use the ^ prefix instead, e.g. ^y for when the Control key is held down and the letter "y" is pressed.
    Shift Shift key only. To use with another key as part of a combo, use the + prefix instead, e.g. +y for when the Shift key is held down and the letter "y" is pressed.
    Alt Alt key only. To use with another key as part of a combo, use the ! prefix instead, e.g. !y for when the Alt key is held down and the letter "y" is pressed.
    LCtrl Left Control key only. To use with another key as part of a combo, use the <^ prefix instead, e.g. <^y for when the Left Control key is held down and the letter "y" is pressed.
    RCtrl Right Control key only. To use with another key as part of a combo, use the >^ prefix instead, e.g. >^y for when the Right Control key is held down and the letter "y" is pressed.
    LShift Left Shift key only. To use with another key as part of a combo, use the <+ prefix instead, e.g. <+y for when the Left Shift key is held down and the letter "y" is pressed.
    RShift Right Shift key only. To use with another key as part of a combo, use the >+ prefix instead, e.g. >+y for when the Right Shift key is held down and the letter "y" is pressed.
    LAlt Left Alt key only. To use with another key as part of a combo, use the <! prefix instead, e.g. <!y for when the Left Alt key is held down and the letter "y" is pressed.
    RAlt Right Alt key only. To use with another key as part of a combo, use the >! prefix instead, e.g. >!y for when the Right Alt key is held down and the letter "y" is pressed.
    LWin Left Windows logo key only. To use with another key as part of a combo, use the <# prefix instead, e.g. <#z for when the Left Windows key is held down and the letter "z" is pressed. Alternatively, just use the # prefix instead if you don't care which Windows key is pressed, e.g. #z for when any Windows key is held down and the letter "z" is pressed.
    RWin Right Windows logo key only. To use with another key as part of a combo, use the ># prefix instead, e.g. >#z for when the Right Windows key is held down and the letter "z" is pressed.

Multimedia keys

  • Note: The function assigned to each of the keys listed below can be overridden by modifying the Windows registry.

    Browser_Back Browser_Forward Browser_Refresh Browser_Stop Browser_Search Browser_Favorites Browser_Home Volume_Mute Volume_Down Volume_Up Media_Next Media_Prev Media_Stop Media_Play_Pause Launch_Mail Launch_Media Launch_App1 Launch_App2 Volume_Mute Volume_Down Volume_Up Media_Next


  • Note: The function assigned to each of the keys listed below can be overridden by modifying the Windows registry.

    AppsKey PrintScreen CtrlBreak Pause Break Help Sleep
    SCnnn Specify for nnn the scan code of a key. Recognizes unusual keys not mentioned above. e.g. SC159
    VKnn Specify for nn the hexadecimal virtual key code of a key. e.g. VK24


  • LButton Left mouse button.
    RButton Right mouse button.
    MButton Middle or wheel mouse button.
    WheelDown Wheel turned downward (toward you).
    WheelUp Wheel turned upward (away from you).


  • Joy1 to Joy32 The buttons of the joystick.
    JoyX JoyY JoyZ The X (horizontal), Y (vertical), and Z (altitude/depth) axes of the joystick.
    JoyR The rudder or 4th axis of the joystick.
    JoyU JoyV The 5th and 6th axes of the joystick.
    JoyPOV The point-of-view (hat) control.



  • Can't figure out which key to add to hotkeys.ini?
  • Navigating not working correctly?
    • Do you only notice the problem with your remote, or does navigation with the keyboard not work as expected too?
    • If you've changed your resolution or zoom/DPI setting recently, be sure to restart before retrying (or at the least, Sign out then Sign back in)
    • Check if the details reported by Netflix Version Checker are correct, as this utility uses a similar detection method
  • If left/right/up/down navigation was working, but is now starting to behave strangely during the same Netflix instance, as a workaround press the BACK button a few times to reset the utility's navigation.
  • Lost the Windows taskbar? This likely happened because you closed Netflix rather than closed this utility - the shortcut key Ctrl-Alt-Q should exit this utility and restore the taskbar.


Please post feedback here: Netflix Remote Controller thread on AVSForum together with your system info to help resolve the issue faster:

  • NetflixRemoteController version number (e.g. 0.21). You can find this info by right-clicking the .EXE file > Properties > Details tab > Product Version.
  • Netflix version - use NetflixVersionChecker to get this - (e.g.
  • Windows version (e.g. latest retail Windows 10 release)
  • display resolution (e.g. 1920x1080 landscape)
  • remote (e.g. Microsoft RC6)
  • confirm that the info (e.g. the resolution) displayed in NetflixVersionChecker is correct (i.e. being detected correctly) as it uses similar detection methods.

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